Futurists and the general public will discuss global challenges and prospects for the future of civilization. Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon (Feb. 28, 6 P.M. EST), the global conversation will begin and move each hour to the next time zone, completing a 24-hour round the world conversation.
WASHINGTON, February 27, 2019 (Newswire.com) - March 1, 2019, The Millennium Project the global participatory think tank will hold a conversation on the future that is open to the public in partnership with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), and Humanity+ (H+). This will be the sixth year for this annual world forum on the future. Anybody can pull up a chair at this global cyber table and join the discussion. If all the interactive video seats are filled, viewers can still watch, listen, and type in comments in the chat or the comment area while waiting for a seat to open up at the Google Hangout at
Each year, global thought leaders have shared their views with total strangers around the world about topics such as governing artificial intelligence, inventing future employment, building space elevators to orbital cities, reducing climate change, guaranteeing safe water and energy, fighting transnational organized crime, developing future forms of democracy, countering information warfare, incorporating global ethics in decisionmaking, enforcing safety standards for synthetic biology, and the future of humanity.
Members of the press are welcome to join the conversation asking questions to this diverse group of future-oriented people. “Whatever time zone you are in, you are invited at 12:00 noon in your time zone March 1 to click on https://hangouts.google.com/call/act3g5fh6vd7deoxq3xvb7zylue,“ says Jerome Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project. If the limit of the interactive video conference participation is reached, new arrivals will be able to see and hear, but not have their video seen or their voice heard; however, they can type in their questions and comments in the online chat box in the Google Hangout. The facilitators will read these live in the video conference. As people drop out, new video slots will open up. “This is an open, no-agenda discussion about the future, but in general people will be encouraged to share their ideas about how to build a better future. If they can’t come online at noon their time, they are welcome to come online before or after that time as well. We will begin in New Zealand at noon March 1, which is Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. in Washington, D.C., USA.”
Co-Sponsoring organization contacts:
- Association of Professional Futurists: Jay Gary jay@jaygary.com
- Humanity+: President Natasha Vita-More, natasha@natashavita-more.com
- The Millennium Project: CEO Jerome Glenn, Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org
- World Academy of Art and Science: Chairman, Gary Jacobs garry.jacobs@worldacademy.org
- World Future Studies Federation: President, Erik Ferdinand Øverland, secretariat@wfsf.org
PRESS CONTACT: +1-202-669-4410 Jerome Glenn, The Millennium Project, or email the contacts for organizations above.
Up-dates will be available at http://www.millennium-project.org/world-future-day-24-hour-round-the-world-conversation-march-1st and on Twitter at #millenniumproj
Source: The Millennium Project