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A three-year international study by The Millennium Project identified 93 actions and assessed each action by hundreds of futurists and related experts in 50 countries.

Five international futurist organizations have joined forces to invite their members and the public around the world to come online at 12 noon in their time zone to explore how they can help build a better future.

Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon NZ time, the open conversation on how to build a better future will move west each hour. Anyone can join in at 12 noon their time to explore with futurists and others possibilities for our common future.

Earth's magnetic shield weakening, ocean-poisoning hydrogen-sulfide gas from advanced global warning, out-of-control nanotech and AI, are among the possible future threats to humanity, warn The Millennium Project, World Futures Studies Federation, and the Association of Professional Futurists.

Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon NZ time, the open conversation on how to build a better future will move west each hour. Anyone can join in at 12 noon their time and join futurists and others to explore possibilities for our common future.

Three richly detailed scenarios describe how the future of the Pandemic may evolve from today to 2022.

Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon NZ time, the open conversation on how to build a better future will move west each hour. Anyone can join in at 12 noon their time and join futurists and others to explore possibilities for our common future.

Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions could be the broadest, deepest, long-range international assessment about what to do about the future impacts of future technology.

A three-year international study by The Millennium Project produced three detailed scenarios, conducted 30 national workshops in 29 countries, identified hundreds of actions distilled to 93 that were assessed by hundreds of futurists and related experts in over 50 countries.

Futurists and the general public will discuss global challenges and prospects for the future of civilization. Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon (Feb. 28, 6 P.M. EST), the global conversation will begin and move each hour to the next time zone, completing a 24-hour round the world conversation.

Futurists and other experts organized by The Millennium Project provide a coherent framework to understand global change and prospects for the future. Possibly the most comprehensive synthesis of future challenges - from AI, synthetic biology, robotics, and nanotech to work, terrorism, climate change, population, gender, global ethics, and the next economics - in clear, precise language.

With NATO support, The Millennium Project - a global think tank - in collaboration with FIRS2T Group (Israel) brought together futurists and other experts from 14 countries to explore future forms of terrorism and what is needed to reduce these threats.

International futurist organizations have joined forces to invite their members and the public to come online at 12 noon in their time zone to explore how we can help build a better future.

The Millennium Project is integrating all of its information, groups, and software into a "Global Futures Intelligence System." GFIS* is The Millennium Project's new way for you to participate with and have access to all of our resources in one place. Those who buy a one-year subscription can interact with all the elements of the system, make suggestions, initiate discussions with experts around the world, and search through over 10,000 pages of futures research and 1,300 pages of methods.